Enzymes are proteins present in the cells of living organisms and are capable of speeding up chemical reactions. These enzymes are in great demand and are mostly commercialised by many industries. Microbial enzymes are preferred to those from both plant and animal sources as they are cheaper to produce, and their enzyme contents are more predictable, controllable and reliable, this is mainly because the microorganisms have a short life span and the production rate is higher. The estimated value of the worldwide sales of industrial enzymes is $1 million a year, with proteases accounting for about 60 % of it, thus the present study aims at identifying the microorganisms producing protease enzyme isolated from different sources mainly the Bacillus spp. In the present study the Bacillis spp., were screened for the production of protease and the proteins were purified by ammonium precipitation and the molecular weights of the protein was determined by SDS-PAGE so that, the method can be used for identifying the different proteins produced by the microorganisms. A total of 33 isolates were obtained from 6 different samples out of which 9 isolates were found to be belonging to Bacillus spp., and among these only 5 isolates produced protease. The SDS-PAGE gel with 50% ammonium sulphate precipitation of the samples showed multiple banding patterns with varied molecular weight. Isolate 2 showed six prominent bands with varied molecular weights of 21KDa, 22KDa, 25KDa, 42KDa, 68KDa and 110KDa.