The oyster bed associated fauna were recorded in Mulky estuary from October 2008 to April 2010. The density of oyster bed associated fauna was ranged from 18 to 386 No/m². Among molluscs, Cirithidea citrinum, Cirithidea obstusa, Telescopium telescopium, Natica tigrina, Polinices melanostomus, Cymatium cingulatum, Thias sp., Meritrix meritrix, Meritrix casta, Paphia malabarica, Katelysia opima, Perna viridis were recorded. Among crustaceans, crabs, shrimps (Alpeus sp.), barnacles and amphipods were recorded. Among polychaetes, the genus Nephtydae, Onuphidae, Nereidae were recorded. A few sea stars, sea urchins, sand tubes and fish were also recorded. Also a few boring sponge of the genus Cliona were found associated with C. madrasensis and a few number of Polydora ciliate, a polychaete was found associated with S. cucullata. The present study recorded some predators of oysters such as Polydora ciliate, Cliona sp, Cirithidea citrinum, Cirithidea obstusa, Natica tigrina, Polinices melanostomus, Cymatium cingulatum, Thias sp, starfish and crabs.