The four bivalves, Perna viridis, Crassostrea madrasensis, Anadara granosa and Meretrix casta were collected from Kakinada Bay during January 2014 - December 2015. These bivalves were used for mass scale production of trochophores by induced breeding, which were used as live feed to the larval forms of fish and shrimp. The success rate of induced breeding technique was achieved by employing thermal stimulation (42.87%), salinity shock (30.77%) and stripping method (66.67%). Average fecundity estimated was 5.6, 6.4, 2.8 and 2.6 millions in P. viridis, C. madrasensis, A. granosa and M. casta respectively. The rate of trochophore development was 66% in P. viridis, 65% in C. madrasensis, 57% in A. granosa and 54% in M. casta. The rate of feeding in post larvae (PL fed with trochophore of bivalves) of L. vannamei, P. monodon, M. rosenbergii and L. calcarifer ranged between 40.0% and 90.0%. The survival rate ranged between 40.0% and 85.0% in post larvae of L. vannamei, P. monodon, M. rosenbergii and L. calcarifer fed with trochophores of four bivalves during experimental conditions.