Studies On Micro-Morphological Characteristics Of Extra Floral Nectar Gland Of Cassia Hirsuta Lin

Research Article
Sharmila Tamby S and A.Yogamoorthi
EFN gland-Cassia hirsuta-size and shape-SEM images-nectar

The ecological importance of the EFNs and their interaction with insects, have motivated many authors to study the morphology, distribution and frequency of these structures in different plant taxa. The diversity in nectar shape and location taxonomically valuable in addition to their ecological role in plant insect interactions and hence in the present study the location of the gland size and shape and micro- morphological characteristics of Cassia hirsuta are examined and presented with relevant images. Further, the attachment of gland with main stem indicated non-vascularised nature of the gland. The SEM images of the surface of the gland showed ruptures in the matured gland through which the nectar oozes out.