AIM AND OBJECTIVE The aim is to assess the trends of near miss and maternal mortality in our hospital. The objectives are to determine the frequency of maternal near miss, maternal near miss incidence ratio(MNMIR), maternal near miss to mortality ratio, mortality index and maternal mortality ratio.
MATERIALS AND METHODS : Retrospective study from April 2012 to March 2014 in Lady Goschen Hospital . Maternal near miss cases and maternal deaths were identified based on WHO criteria 2009.
RESULTS: There are 10,943 live births during the study period. The number of near miss cases are 167 and number of maternal deaths are 18. Maternal near miss incidence ratio is 15.2/1,000 live births. Maternal near miss to mortality ratio is 9.2:1. Maternal mortality ratio is 164/1,00,000 live births and mortality index is 9.7%. Hemorrhage and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are the leading causes of near miss morbidity. The near miss events are more in the primiparas (65.8%), among the age group 25 – 35years ( 49.7%) and more in the postnatal period(38.9%).
CONCLUSION: Hemorrhage and hypertensive disorders are the leading causes of maternal near miss events.