Evidence Informed Practice On The Impact Of Chronic Leg And Foot Ulcer

Research Article
Kirupa.P and Dr.Srinivasa Bhat.U MD
chronic leg and foot ulcer, Impact, physical symptoms, well being and social life

Aim of the study was to compare and integrate the qualitative data and quantitative data on impact of chronic leg and foot ulcer. Mixed method of research was chosen to compare the qualitative and quantitative data by Sequential explorative design. Quantitative data shown that there was major impact in social life 37.3%, wellbeing 41.5% and physical symptoms 41.7%.Qualitative data were coded based on the items of CWIS. Qualitative data shown that impact was in social life 38.9%, wellbeing 42.8% and physical symptoms51.3%.Quantitative data and quantitatively coded items of qualitative data were distributed in the level of impact. Fisher exact test value (2.2, P>0.05) shown level impact was same in both qualitative and quantitative data. Impact of the chronic leg and foot ulcer equally affecting physical and mental health of the person apart from all other factors.