Purpose: The therapeutic uses and methods of administration of plants/plant parts in the traditional system of medicine in Gurais Valley are documented in view of the need felt world over to preserve the valuable knowledge of traditional system of medicine. Methods: A survey was conducted to asses such plants as are used to treat various kinds of aliments in the traditional system of medicine in the Gurais Valley inhabited by ethnic Dards/Shins. After the evaluation, only the plant species the medicinal use of which was confirmed by at least three resource persons were included in the results. Cross-checking was done for disorders treated, methods of use and preparation used for each of the species included. Results: After the assessment of a total of 89 plant species only 56 species were found to have confirmed medicinal uses and were commonly found to treat various kinds of ailments. These 56 plant species belonging to 53 genera in 28 families, their scientific names, vernacular names along with their medicinal use, the part of plant used and method of preparation are reported in the present study.