Effect Of Organic Fruits (Banana And Papaya) On Locomotor Ability And Resistance To Eitherizatoin In Drosophila Melanogaster

Research Article
Savin Prakash. V. and M. S. Krishna
Organic fruits, Etherization, Locomotory, Drosophila

The amount and quality of diet taken by an organism have a strong impact on almost all activities of organisms. In the present study flies of D. melanogaster fed on organic, and non organic and normal food media were subjected to crawling and climbing assay and resistance to etherization. It was found that flies grown on organic fruits had consumed greater quantity of food and had a significantly greater locomotor  ability over flies grown on non organic and in normal food media. Similar recent was also noted in flies  resistance to etherization. Thus these studies in D.melanogaster suggest organic fruits had beneficial  effect on locomotor ability.