Introduction Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a name coined for the diseases that were previously known as chronic bronchitis and emphysema and is the most common chronic lung disease in the world. Identification of cigarette smoking is the most commonly encountered risk factor for COPD. In this study we share our experience of patients of COPD in terms of clinical characteristics, association with smoking and prevalence of emphysema. Material and methods: This prospective study was done in Department of TB and Respiratory disease JNMC, AMU, Aligarh for a period of two years on 50 patients of early cases of COPD diagnosed on the basis of GOLD criteria. Results: Males were seen to be predominantly affected. Maximum numbers of patients were in the age group of 61-70 that is 19 patients (38%).48% had mild and 52% had moderate disease21% of mild disease patients had emphysema while 57% of moderate disease patients had emphysema.80% of patients with emphysema were smokers. Out of these smoker emphysema patients 82% had moderate disease while 18% had mild disease. Most common type of emphysema was centriacinar in smokers while non-smokers had equal distribution of centriacinar and panacinar emphysema. Upper lobe was the most common lobe involved in patients with emphysema in both mild and moderate disease patients. Conclusion: COPD is predominantly a disease of males. Smoking is seen in majority of these patients. Centriacinar emphysema is most common emphysema