Ariyalur is one of the most polluted towns in Tamil Nadu and many calcite mines surround by the town due to major industrial activity of cement industries. The leftout mining areas forms lakes around this region and many of them are abandon, filled with stagnant and wastewater. The town has the highest stray pig population for meat and the field investigation in this region clearly depicts that it has no proper drainage system in almost all the 18 wards. The town has always been an endemic zone of many infectious diseases due to its man-made unfavourable environmental conditions. The most important disease very often affects this town is the `Japanese Encephalitis’, otherwise known as `Brain Fever’ that affects the children within the age group of < 6. During and aftermath of the seasonal rainfall this town is worst affected to many infectious diseases. It is evident from the above that this zone is an epidemic zone for Japanese Encephalitis for the past four decades.