Since ages humans have been dependent on plants as one of their primary source of food for survival. Plants are not only responsible for providing food but also they have many unexplored medicinal properties, humans have been able to harness only a very less proportion of its potentials to cure many deadly disease. Aim: In the present research work an attempt has been made to establish the Physicochemical, Phytochemical and Anti oxidant property of JEU which may be help full for its standardization Methods: Standardized operating procedure for the preparation of JEU was developed in accordance with National Formulary of Unani Medicine. The formulation was also subjected to preliminary phytochemical, physicochemical evaluation and was tested for its antioxidant activity by using DPPH method and NO Scavenging activity Results: The IC50 Value of the extract in DPPH assay was found to be 49.60 and 45.44 for NO assay. Furthermore to characterize and identify the major constituents preliminary phyto chemical tests were carried out Conclusion: The present results demonstrated that JEU could be a promising candidate for developing hepatoprotective agent which helps further to combat Liver disorders with an effective treatment strategy