Vertical Electrical Sounding For Groundwater Exploration For Part Of Visakhapatnam Urban Area, Andhra Pradesh, India

Research Article
Kiran Jalem., Venkateswara Rao V and Rambabu K
Apparent resistivity, quantitative and qualitative interpretation, subsurface layers, Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES).

An attempt made to identify the subsurface lithology by using electrical method for micro watershed of Visakhapatnam Urban Area. The study area extends from 17 47' 02'' N to 17 48' 38'' N latitudes and 83 11' 51'' E to 83 14' 45'' E longitudes, covering an aerial extent of 9.18 km2. Total of 30 vertical electrical sounding data acquired in the watershed region using the Schlumberger configuration. The collected data were analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative interpretation and generated 3 to 4 subsurface layers and Pseudo cross sections with the help of IPI2W in Software. The apparent resistivity of the study area varies from 2.93Ωm to 24848Ωm at VES-26, VES-22 revealing HA-type curve respectively. Geophysical studies revealed that the deeper aquifers are present in southwest part of the study area where the total thickness of the aquifer zone extends to 80 metre depth. The interpretation exposed that watershed area indicates mostly H-type curves leading to second layer low resistivity which also has the possibility of groundwater.