Platelet function occurs in vivo in human essential hypertension by comparing hypertensive patients and appropriate healthy controls. Then we analyzed which of the clinical investigations and patient variables was independently correlated with the diagnosis of hypertension and for the identification of cardiovascular risk and to confirm the effect of atenolol compared to placebo in patients with essential hypertension. Of particular interest was the effect of the drug on platelet function since any antihypertensive drug possessing also 'anti-platelet' properties would be advantageous.
One hundred seventy -two patients with established hypertension were included to study the effects of day atenolol compared to placebo on platelet function compared to 20 healthy individual control groups.
Atenolol was found to be an effective antihypertensive agent, reducing blood pressure. Hypertensive patients appear to have increased in vitro platelet activation. Atenolol significantly reduced platelet adhesion, but had little effect on aggregation. This may be important in contributing towards the now-recognised cardio-protective effect of the B adrenoceptor blocking agents.
Platelet activation is associated with the presence of hypertension-related microvascular changes. In this setting, the findings might help identify hypertensive patients who are at increased risk for cardiovascular events and who might benefit from longterm treatment with antiplatelet agents.