The use of anthropometric measurements of various anatomical structures for prediction and estimation of the height of an individual has been very useful especially when skeletal remains are often observed to be incomplete, therefore the estimation power of foot length will also be useful. This study was therefore carried out to determine the stature prediction strength of foot dimensions of Igbo indigenes of Imo State, Nigeria. A total of 546 subjects, comprising of 300 males and 246 females were used for the study. Height and weight were measured using weight-bearing stadiometer calibrated in meters and kilogram, while foot dimensions were measured using a ruler and digital venirecaliper. The data was analysed using SPSS (IBM version 23, Amork-USA). The ttest analysis showed that the males were taller than the females with mean heights of 1.73±0.08 and 1.66±0.08 respectively, and were also having larger foot dimensions than the females. The regression analysis showed that all foot parameters correlated significantly with stature, with the best correlation observed for foot length (R.R2 =44.05%, and L.R2 =36.13%; P<0.01). The right foot was seen to be more accurate with a predictability strength of accuracy of 50.26% in males and 44.05% in females. Conclusively, Foot morphometry in relation to stature showed that the foot length gives the highest prediction of stature with the right foot being more accurate than the left and predictability strength of accuracy higher in males than in females.