Background: Women are largely overlooked in studies on disease as they are at a low risk of developing the disease. The present study on prevalence and socio-demographic variables provide the insight required to develop interventional strategies. Aim: to assess the prevalence of hypertension among women.
Setting and Design: The study was conducted in coastal areas and non coastal areas by using a descriptive design. Materials and Methods: A total of 514 samples were included in this study. Among this, 220 samples belongs to coastal areas and 294 samples belongs to non coastal areas by using convenience sampling technique.
Statistical Analysis Used: The collected data was organized, tabulated, analyzed and interpreted by using descriptive and inferential statistics based on the objectives of the study.
Results: In Coastal areas, Out of 220 samples, With regard to the category of the blood pressure 57(25.91%) had normal blood pressure, 111(50.45%) had pre hypertension, 35(15.15.91%) had stage-I hypertension, 17(7.73%) had stage-II hypertension. In non coastal areas, among 294 samples, 112(38.10%) had normal blood pressure, 103(35.03%) had pre hypertension, 61(15.15.91%) had stage-I hypertension and 18(6.12%) had stage-II hypertension.
Conclusion: The above results shown that stage-I values are high in the non coastal areas than coastal areas but pre hypertension is higher in coastal areas than non coastal areas