An experiment was conducted to evaluate and compare the pollination technique on fruit set, seed yield and seed quality of eggplant at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University during October 2012 to May 2013. Six eggplant varieties were grown separately with proper isolation and two pollination technique i.e. (i) hand pollination and (ii) natural pollination were used as experimental treatment. Full ripen standard size fruits (60 DAA) of eggplant were harvested and kept in ambient condition for five days post-harvest ripening to become soften and matured fully. Then seeds were extracted from the fruits by wet method. The treatment efficiency was evaluated by seed yield and seed quality components. The result indicated that seed production of eggplant is greatly influenced by pollination technique. Natural pollination with no flower protection gave higher result in seed yield and seed quality of eggplant then hand pollination.