Plastic pollution involves the accumulation of plastic products in the environment that adversely affects wildlife, wildlife habitat, or humans. The bioplastic is an alternative, more ductile and less elastic than other plastics, widely used in the medical industry, and it is also biodegradable. The present study aims the optimization and production of bioplastic by Bacillus cereus. Soil samples were collected from different areas of Nagpur city and were used to perform serial dilution and were grown on HiCrome Bacillus Agar media. 11 colonies of Bacillus cereus were isolated. Among 11 isolates 6 were gives positive result in screnning process for bioplastic production. Among 6 isolates giving positive results, isolate 4 was selected because it was giving highest production which was 5.8 gl-1 . Among all four carbon sources, maltose was found to give highest production i.e., 5.9 gmL-1 . Peptone was found to be giving highest production of PHB among all four different nitrogen sources. Production was found to be 6.3 gmL-1 . Bacillus cereus was found to be giving highest production at pH 7 and found to be 6.2 gmL-1 . At 35°C, it was found that organisms were giving highest result and produced 6.3 gmL-1 . Bacillus cereus can be used for PHB production on large industrial scale, solving by this one of the problems of solid waste management that results from the accumulation of plastics and saving the environment from additional air pollution caused by its recycling.