An Observational Study Showing Effect Of Obesity On Static And Dynamic Balance Of Human Body In Young Adults

Research Article
Jeetendra Yogi and Nishi Jain
obesity, multidirectional functional reach test(MFRT), One Leg Stand Test, Dynamic Gait Index, Static and Dynamic body balance.

The obese young adults are highly prone to frequent fall and extremities fractures as excess weight increases the stress within the bones, joints and soft tissues that leads to body imbalance.In this observational study,effects of obesity on the Static and Dynamic Body balance were studied. Total 200 subjects of both the genders were takenwith 100 in either sexand were divided into three groups 1) normal (BMI< 25) 2) Overweight(25> BMI <30) and 3) Obese (BMI>30) on the basis of BMI.“Multidirectional Functional Reach Test (MFRT)”, “One leg stand test “and “Dynamic Gait Index Test” were used to test static upper, lower and dynamic body balance respectively. The results by using Mann-Whiteny test showed that there was no significant difference of static and dynamic body balance between males and females related to normal, overweight and obese group (p>0.05). Comparison of body balance between normal, overweight and obese subjects was done by Kruskal-Wallis test showed no significant difference of static upper body balance between normal and overweight subjects (p>0.05) but there was significant difference between overweight and obese (p<0.05) and also in normal and obese subjects (p><0.05). The same results were also found for static lower body balance (p><0.001).Results showed highly significant difference of Dynamic body balance between normal and overweight subjects also (p>< 0.001) and between overweight and obese (p<0.001) and also in normal and obese subjects (p><0.001).