mycoflora of stored parkia biglobosa (jacq.) ex g.don (locust bean) seeds from markets in jos, nigeria and changes in their nutritional composition

Research Article
Nwadiaro PO*, Wuyep PA, Ogbonna AI, Nwaukwu IA and Nwanokwai M
Mycoflora, Nutritional composition, Parkia biglobosa seeds, deterioration

Fungal deterioration of stored Parkiabiglobosa (locust beans) seeds was investigated in four markets in Jos North, Plateau State, Nigeria. The incidence of fungi on locust bean seeds from the different markets were as follows: Katako (90%), Angwan Rukuba (76.7%), Gada Biu (86.7%) and Farin Gada (70%) respectively for the deteriorated seeds and Katako (10%), Angwan Rukuba (23.3%), Gada Biu (13.3%) and Farin Gada (30%) for the non-deteriorated seeds. There was a significant difference (P≤0.05) in the occurrence of fungi from the different markets for both deteriorating/non-deteriorating seeds; Katako (153/25), Angwan Rukuba (99/14), Gada Biu (109/22) and Farin Gada (36/14). A total of seventeen fungal species were isolated with Aspergillus species being the most dominant. The analysis of nutritional qualities of non-deteriorated and deteriorated locust bean seeds shows that the deteriorated seeds had reduced protein (9.07%), fibre (3.62%) and carbohydrate (23.37%) contents than the non-deteriorated ones. The study demonstrates that fungi is capable of causing damage to stored Parkia biglobosa seeds and contribute to low nutritional worth of the seeds. The health implications of the effects of these spoilage fungi were discussed.