Management Of Business Processes With Registered Electronic Mail (Rem)

Research Article
İsmail Çelik., Kurtuluş Nevruz M., Kürşat Güney M., Sezgin Sezer., Uğur Ceylan and Olgar Ataseven
Registered e-mail, paperless office, smart solutions.

Surveys indicate that the annual consumption of paper per person per year is around 42 Kg. Total worldwide consumption in kilograms makes up a striking 7-digit number. Perhaps one of the most important ways to be environmentally friendly is to reduce the usage of paper. Paperless office workflows may bring huge environmental benefits and increase office productivity simultaneously. While using the digital world's resources in the best possible ways with the innovative etransformation solutions we produce, we also strive to preserve our nature and minimize the energy usage. Currently effective users of technology are able to read books and newspapers and follow other resources related to their work through their mobile phones, tablets or personal computers. The future generations may indeed one day forget that wet signature even existed. While that day may still be far away paperless office environments are very much a reality of today and to function, they require smart new solutions to existing problems. In this paper we present some important aspects of paperless office environments and paperless business processes that can be managed effectively through the use of Registered E-mail