Location Of Physiological Activities Of Dhatwagni And Bhautikagni

Research Article
Kalpana D. Sathe
Codon usage bias, Nc, GC3, GC, Nc- plot, lpxC gene, antibiotic resistance, gram negative bacilli (GNB)

The physiological activities of Dhatwagni and Bhautikagni can be understood after the action of Jatharagni in gastrointestinal track. The Jathragni i.e. enzymes of bile, pancreatic juice, intestinal juice and local hormones are secreted at the time of digestion in duodenum. Simultaneously immediately after the digestion of complex food , the simplified food is further catalyzed into Guna of Panchabhautik dravya to increase their own property as Parthiva, Apya, Agneya, Vayaviya and Nabhas in the whole body with the help of their own Bhautikagni. These are similar to enzymes which are end with ‘ases’ like Oxidases, Kinases, Dehydrogenases, AT Pases, Anhydrases which can be categorized according to the types of chemical reactions they catalyze at cellular level. All tissues in the human body are classified in the seven types of Dhatu. The growth and development of our body tissues is dependent upon the food available, genetic makeup i. e. Prakriti and the metabolic rate i.e. Dhatupakakal. The specific Dhatwagni as catalysts acts on only saatmya or specifically same and induced fit substrates at active site of the same tissue. Maumsadhatwagni acts on Maumsadhatu poshak aumsha only after the integrated activity of Vayavyagni, Jaliyagi and Raktagni which are controlled by Vatadosha as Nervous mechanism and Antarushma as Hormones. Dhatupaka and Bhutagnipaka is the metabolic set of chemical reactions in a cell. Bhautikagni paka is catabolic activity which breaks large molecules into smaller ones; usually releases energy and Dhatu sneha parampara is anabolic activity which builds large molecules from smaller ones; usually consumes energy. Hypothetically location of Dhatwagni is especially in their respective tissues and Bhautikagni is present in every tissue. Mitochondria are the activity site of most of the agnis in a cell. The Dhatu poshana activity at cellular level is as Anabolism and urja/mala production by Bhutagnipaka is as Catabolism.