Life Cycle Management (LCM) provides service operations like Incident Management(IM) and Problem Management(PM) for their clients. During the feasibility study, it was found that there are many incident and problem management process documentation and reporting which are done manually. Two of these areas are identified for automation, which will help in reducing the manual effort and also standardize the output. Problem management performs Root Cause Analysis(RCA) for every continuous repeated incident. To standardize and improve the document access, LCM is exploring a tracking tool. In order to perform effective task tracking and to provide management a clear through picture a new and improved LCM tracker V2 tool was designed. The new tool designed based on the feedback and drawbacks observed in the earlier version. The tool was successfully able to capture more than 2,500 man hours of tasks. V2 tool is required for sending Executive Summary automatically to the clients that consists of ticket details like Incident ticket number, severity, location from where the issue is reported, like data center or customer location and details of issue with impact analysis and cause of incident and how the resolution has been driven, current status and next action to be taken. It reduces the time as well as manual effort.