Background: CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is a medical procedure that anyone can learn which can help to save a life in the event of a medical emergency.Resuscitation Council UK report that for every minute that a person in cardiac arrest does not receive CPR its survival chance drops by up to 10%. However, an inadequate public awareness and knowledge of infant and pediatric CPR have been documented. Therefore, parents and caregiver should be educated about infant CPR which can help in correctly implementing it and save the life of infant. This study was conducted on the mothers attending the MCH for the baby care is to assess their knowledge on infant CPR skill. Material and methods: This was a Cross sectional study conducted at Maternity and Children Hospital (MCH) in ALAhsa. All the parents visiting MCH with their children for the treatment were the study population. The website Raosoft was used to calculate the sample size (n=284). Convenient sampling technique was used to collect the sample. Pretested and predesigned self-reported questionnaire from the previous regional study was distributed to the selected sample participants. The data were entered and analyzed by using the SPSS; version 21 .Descriptive statistics were presented using counts, proportions (%), mean ± standard deviation whenever appropriate. Descriptive statistics (e.g. number, percentage) and analytic statistics using Chi Square tests (χ2) to test for the association and/or the difference between two categorical variables were applied. A p-value equal to or less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: A total of 254 out of 284 subjects responded the questionnaires. The mean age of the participants was 38.65 years ± Std. Dev. 9.90 years. The majority of the participants (61.0%) were graduate Almost sixteen percent (15.7%) of the participants had family history of heart disease. Fifty percent of the participants had attended the CPR course. An overwhelming majority of the participants (87.0%) were willing to take a short course of infant CPR if it is available in MCH.The mean knowledge sore in infant CPR of the participants was 2.42 ± Std.Dev.1.33 (Range 00-6). More than forty one percent of the participants had poor knowledge regarding Infant CPR while 58.7% had good knowledge. As educational qualification increased the percent of good knowledge significantly also increased .The participants who did not have the family history of cardiac disease were having significantly good knowledge about infant(P=0.01).Those participants who had attended infant CPR course had significantly higher knowledge score than those who did not attend the infant CPR course (76.37% vs.40.94%, P=0.000) Those participants who were not willing to take a short course of infant CPR had significantly better knowledge score on infant CPR as compared to those participants who were willing to join the course on infant CPR (69.69% vs.57.01%,P=0.021). Conclusion: The present study has shown a better knowledge among the females regarding infant CPR as compared to other studies conducted in Saudi Arabia. The participants in this study were found very motivated to learn the skills of infant CPR. However there is a need to develop programmers for teaching the infant CPR to the mothers at all level of health care facility attending the MCH, Al Ahsa