Adolescence is a decisive age for girls around the world. What transpires during a girl’s teenage years shapes the direction of her life. Breast cancer is a serious, stressful and life threatening disease, it is assumed that the diagnosis of cancer evokes greater distress than many other diseases, regardless of the prognosis. This study attempts to assess the knowledge among adolescent girls regarding breast cancer and create awareness on breast cancer. A non-experimental descriptive design was adopted the study. Data was collected from purposively selected 100 adolescent girls in a selected pre-university college at Mangaluru, using structured interview schedule. The study result reveals that 52% of the adolescent girls had average knowledge level, 34% of adolescent girls had good knowledge on breast cancer, 12% of adolescent girls had poor knowledge and 2% had very good knowledge on breast cancer. The mean percentage of knowledge regarding breast cancer was 42.8% and SD was 6.543. The result of the study shows that there is significant association between the knowledge score with selected demographic variables (P < 0.05). Most of the adolescent girls have average knowledge on breast cancer. Hence it is necessary to provide a health education to the adolescent girls on breast cancer in-order to improve their knowledge.