Aim: The aim of this review is to discuss the effects of bruxism and its therapeutic approaches for treating bruxism. Objective: The objective here is to underline the effects of bruxism on various structures including the dentition and peri oral structures. This review attempts to provide various treatments for bruxism as well as managing its effects as it is one of the most prevalent diseases and estimated to be present in about 65% of the individuals. Materials And Methodology: The present study is a cross sectional survey where a questionnaire consisting of 14 questions were distributed to 100 individuals of age group 25-40 and the results were further evaluated. Background: Bruxism is the clenching and grinding of the teeth. It is the commonest of the many parafunctional activities of the masticatory system. The etiology is not fully known but that it is probably multifactorial or due to repressed aggression, emotional tension, anger, fear, and frustration. Bruxism can lead to dental wear, jaw muscle pain and fatigue, and temporal headaches, and in some severe forms can compromise oral functions such as chewing, speaking, and swallowing