Inferior Turbinectomy, Is It Worth It?

Research Article
Mukeshkumar., VenkateshaB.K., Shivakumar A.M and Krishnarjun P
Inferiorturbinectomy, turbinectomy complications.

Objective:The aim was to compare septoplasty with turbinectomy cases with septoplasty without turbinectomy, with respect topost-operative pain, complication occurringand relief of symptoms. Method: 30 patients having deviated nasal septum with hypertrophy of inferior turbinate and they were divided into 2 groups of 15 patients each and operated. They were followed up for 3 months and findings were noted. Results: A statistically significant number of synechiea formation were observed in the group which underwent turbinectomy,also there were increased incidence of crusting and middle meatus discharge. Conclusion: there is minor difference in symptomatic relief in between 2 groups. But there is higher amount of complication rate in the group in which septoplasty with turbinectomy was performed.