Herlyn Werner Wunderlich (Hww) Syndrome With Hematocolpos: A Rare Case Of Pubescent Female With Pelvic Pain

Research Article
Priyanka., Balaji Kale and Vivek Sreekanth
Congenital Mullerian Anomaly, Uterus didelphys, Unilateral renal agenesis.

Herlyn Werner Wunderlich syndrome is a rare congenital mullerian anomaly consisting of uterus didelphys, hemivaginal septum and unilateral renal agenesis. Most authors reported cases of this syndrome with pre-pubertal or post pubertal onset with cyclical abdominal pain and a vaginal mass. The aim of this case report is to have a high level of clinical suspicion towards the diagnosis of this case whenever a pre-pubertal or a young adolescent girl presents with history of cyclical menstrual pain or associated features and to always investigate further by doing a ultrasonography or MRI. The high level of suspicion is, indeed the key to early diagnosis.