With the increase in demand for water for competing uses, it is difficult to meet the entire demand from a single source and it is a challenge to plan and manage the different water resources. Among the two major water resources, surface and ground water, it is the ground water resources, which needs to be managed carefully, especially in drought prone area. The hydro-geological features such as sub-soil structure, rock formation, lithology and location of water play a crucial role in determining the potential of water storage in ground water reservoirs. To assess the ground water potential, a suitable and a accurate techniques is required for a meaningful and objective analysis. A critical study is carried out on the different methods of estimating the ground water potential and compared to arrive at the most suitable technique for practical utility. In this work four methods of estimating ground water recharge were studied yearly water level fluctuation, ten year average water level fluctuation, fluctuation between the lowest and highest water levels over ten years and fluctuation in monsoon seasons. The results of this study help in accurate prediction of ground water availability, which in turn may avoid ground water over exploitation and help restore the aquatic eco-system. So different minerals are came out and its contaminated with ground water.