Extensive Reading- A Technique To Enhance/Develop Better Cognition Beyond The Classroom

Research Article
K.V. Ram Mohan and Madhavi Kesari
cognitive, lexical knowledge, schemata, pre-reading, post reading ,reading, Brain storming.

English has become a part and parcel of our day to day life. Proper understanding of the language and lack of communication skills ceases our contact with the outside world and carreer prospects. English has become an indispensable tool to expose our carreer aspects, technological and scientific developments and seek jobs indigenously and in foreign countries. This paper presents students to adopt various techniques to build strategies to enhance vocabulary development,the importance of extensive reading to read independently, become fluent readers and to communicate like native speakers in English. The study was conducted on Engineering Graduates who opt English as a First Language and English as a second language. The students with English as a second language whose background was from the village level were comparatively slow in reading and lack communication skills and reading habits. The study was conducted on both levels of students and given a task . Therefore, this paper illuminates how to enhance vocabulary and strategies to develop and communicate the English Language Effectively