evaluation the effect of the abo grouping on the eruption of wisdom tooth

Research Article
Bushra Habeeb Al-Molla, Haifaa Jaber Hussian and Tammara Alaa

Eruption is defined as the movement of the tooth from its site of development in alveolar bone to the occlusal plane in the oral cavity.The tooth eruption is a complex and tightly regulated process which is divided into five stages

The ABO blood group was discovered in 1900 by Austrian scientist, Karl Landsteiner.

At present. The ABO blood group system consists of four antigens (A, B, O and AB). These antigens are known as oligosaccharide antigens, and widely expressed on the membranes of red cell and tissue cells as well as, in the saliva and body fluid.

Seventy student of twenty years old, ), they were diagnosed for the lower wisdom tooth eruption and compared to their ABO group, so they divided in to 4 groups (O,A,B and AB groups) which subdivided in to 2 subgroups, erupted lower wisdom tooth(1) and unerupted lower wisdom tooth(2).

Statistic analysis showed the correlation of the number, mean, standard deviation, stander error, lower and upper bounds, minimum and maximum values of data collected for both erupted and unerupted lower wisdom tooth. According to the ANOVA test(table 2) showed high significant difference between all groups (P<0.01) in the mean of case's number.

Conclusion: there were no relationship between the blood grouping and the eruption of the lower wisdom tooth