Objective: The purpose of the observational study was to assess the various epidemiological parameters that can influence the cause of injury in the patients admitted to a major trauma center in northern India. Methods: This was an observational study conducted on the patients admitted to trauma in emergency ward, Department of General Surgery, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow. A total of 604 patients were chosen by random assortment during this period. A detailed history and examination of all patients was done with regards to age, sex, injury type (blunt/ penetrating) and mode. Results: The majority of victims were males (510, 84.44%). Young adults aged 21-30 years (25.83%) constituted the most unintentional accidental injuries followed by the age group of 31-40 years (20.20%). Most of the cases belongs from rural area (64.24%). Most of the cases are of road traffic accident. Regarding the intention, most of the cases are accidental. Only, 6.29% patients get immediate treatment. Ambulance is used in 30.46% patients, private vehicle is used in 61.26% patients, public vehicle is used in 1.99% patients and other means used in 6.29% patients. Most of the vehicle drivers and riders did not follow safety measures. Only 5.96% patients use safety measures at the time of trauma Conclusion: Traffic rules strict enforcement, combined with improved infrastructure and behavior change can lessen the burden of road traffic accidents (RTA) in India and other developing nations. This study could help in raising the profile of traumatic injuries as a public health problem which needs to be addressed as a preventable cause of mortality and morbidity, and planning appropriate interventions for this major challenge. Preventive policies should be made on the basis of these epidemiological trends.