Introduction: Diabetes mellitus, particularly type II, is a major public health concern worldwide. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) reports that as of 2013 there were more than 382 million people living with diabetes mellitus. Adults ages 40 to 59 comprise the world’s age group with the highest diabetes rates, although this is expected to shift to adult’s ages 60 to 79 by 2030.
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of self management programme on life style modification and blood sugar levels among patients with Type II diabetes mellitus. Material and methods: A Quantitative study was conducted in Narayana Medical College Hospital, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh state (India) from 3-2-15 to 4-3-15.The study sample included 60 patients with Type II diabetes mellitus were selected by using Non probability Convenience sampling technique.
Results and discussion: The results reveal that with regard to effectiveness of self management programme on life style modification in experimental group the mean is 55 with standard deviation 7.66 . The calculated value is 1.89 greater than the tabulated value 1.69 at P<0.05.With regard to blood sugar levels, the mean of FBS is 104.6 mg/dl with standard deviation 12.5 and the PPBS mean is 173.5 mg/dl with standard deviation 12.8. The calculated value for FBS is 1.72 and PPBS is 3.08 is greater than the tabulated value 1.69 at P<0.05. The above result indicates that self management programme on life style modifications and blood sugar levels are more effective to change the life style pattern among patients with type II diabetes mellitus.
Conclusion: The study concludes that the self management programme on life style modifications was statistically significant and effective in changing the life style pattern and reducing blood sugar levels among patients with Type II diabetes mellitus.