effectiveness of farmer groups-the case of pananchery farmers club

Research Article
Sreevalsan J. Menon., Jojo Anto and Sowmya C
Farmers’ clubs, NABARD, Pan Farm, Effectiveness of Farmers’ clubs

The present study attempts to comprehend the mechanism of group dynamics and management in the field of agriculture. Farmers’ clubs initiated by NABARD have been functioning for the last 25 years. An analysis of the farmers’ club for their performance success or otherwise will give a better understanding of the functioning of groups. It will also create a motivation among other farmers and farmer groups to function effectively keeping the farmers’ clubs as role models. The study explores whether informal farmers’ clubs such as Pan Farm, can also be effective like the group approaches

sponsored by the public extension machinery. Effectiveness of the farmers’ club is compartmentalized into four major components such as Social participation, Knowledge and skill development, Communication and Marketing. Effectiveness of the Farmers’ Club is the total effectiveness of the four components and is found to be 72.49.