Photorhabdus luminescens, a pigment-producing enteric bacterium and symbiont of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, was studied in batch cultures to determine the specific growth rates and doubling times. The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the growth kinetics of Photorhabdus luminescens Phase-I in a bioreactor containing complex growth media at different environmental conditions. Fermentation parameters were controlled utilizing a Sartorius Stedim Biostat® A+bioreactor systemover the course of the bacterial growth. The reactor parameters included pH, temperature, agitation and aeration. The specific growth rates and doubling times of P. luminescens were determined. The study showed that the parameters of 1.0 vvm, pH 7.8, 28°C and 300 RPM had the highest specific growth rate 0.59 h-1 and the lowest doubling time 1.1 hr. The bacterium, P. luminescens growth was best under those conditions.