Present investigation evaluated the effects of Industrial effluents on and Body Fitness and Cardio- respiratory responses of Postmenopausal working Women (n=100) living in rural and Industrial belt. Anthropometric data of Vertical Height and Body mass of Urban and rural women were measured by Anthropometer Rod, Weighing machine and compared. Body fat percent was estimated of the subjects of both group by Siri Equation putting the value of arm skin fold thickness and iliac skin fold thickness using Harpenden Skin Fold Calipers. VO2 max was determined by treadmill exercise with direct measurement of oxygen consumption. Pulmonary minute ventilation (VE) of the subjects of both group were measured by Electronic Spirometer. Blood Pressure was measured by Sphygmomanometer and Radial Pulse rate (beats /min) was measured. Blood Haemoglobin Concentration was measured by spectrophotometrical technique and compared. Erythrocyte count of the subjects of both rural and Industrial area was taken by Automatic Coulter Counter. Working post menopausal women living in rural area showed significantly greater lean mass, physical efficiency and aerobic capacity than women in Industrial area. Menopausal working women living in Industrial Area showed a significantly (p<0.05) lower cardio-respiratory responses to exercise than women living in rural area. Insignificant (p>0.05) difference of R.B.C count, blood haemoglobin concentration (gm %) and body mass of rural subjects in respect of post menopausal working women of Industrial area was observed. Industrial toxicants have detrimental role on oxygen transport to tissues, muscular strength and physical efficiency in either sex of human beings