This study aims to determine the existence of difference of work stress levels in the medical and nursing groups. Respondents in this study were derived from medical and nursing groups in the outpatient department at a hospital in Indonesia. The sampling technique used is the total sample technique (census) with the total number of samples being equal to the total population, which is 141 people. Data retrieval was carried out using the work stress scale. Its validity was measured using the Pearson Product Moment formula and its reliability using the Cronbach alpha formula. The results of analysis show that the value of t count is greater than t table so that Ho is rejected. This shows that there are differences of work stress in the medical and nursing groups. To measure the work stress level in both groups using the mean and resulted that the mean work stress in the medical group being smaller than the mean work stress in the nursing group. This shows that the work stress level of medical group is smaller than the nursing group