Constraints Of Breeding Practices Perceived By The Goat Owners In Chittorgarh District Of Rajasthan

Research Article
Anil Mordia ., Sharma M.C., Vaishnava C.S and Mitesh Gaur
Constraints, Goat Owners, Breeding, Practices, Chittorgarh and Rajasthan.

Livestock play a vital role in the agriculture and rural economics of the developing world. Animal husbandry is a major economic activity of the rural peoples, especially in the Chittorgarh district of Southern Rajasthan. A field survey was conducted to study adopted scientific goat health care practices of 120 respondents of 8 villages of Chittorgarh and Kapasan tehsils of Chittorgarh district of Rajasthan were interviewed. In case of repeat breeding was most severe constraint among the breeding practices and get first rank (95.56 MPS) was expressed as most important constraint which was in Chittorgarh (100 MPS) and Kapasan tehsil respectively. Delay in puberty, low conception rate and high abortion rate were considered as severe constraints 94.17, 94.16 and 93.89 MPS respectively. Low productivity of local goats was least severe constraint among the scientific breeding practices obtained overall tenth rank with 62.78 MPS and both tehsils obtained same rank with 59.44 MPS and 66.11 MPS in the study area.