Caesarean section (C-section) is one of the most common obstetrics surgery being done these days, preferably under regional anaesthesia. Though in previous days these operations were done in general anaesthesia but now there is a significant move towards regional anaesthesia. Various new methods are being introduced, such as combined spinal epidural (CSE) and the continuous spinal anaesthesia which offer specific advantage. Objective/Aim: To study the result of regional versus general anaesthesia (endotracheal intubation) for C[1]section considering for mortality, morbidity, neonatal outcome and maternal satisfaction. Subject: A total of 60 primipara women with uncomplicated pregnancy at term and scheduled to undergo elective C-section were included in this study. Patients were divided into two groups- those undergoing spinal anaesthesia were kept in group A and those undergoing general anaesthesia were kept in group B. Methods: APGAR scores at 1 and 5 minutes and umbilical blood analysis (umbilical artery) just after delivery of new born were analysed while for maternal outcome assessment NIBP (SBP and DBP), heart rate, (chest tightness, nasal blockage, nasal congestion) for regional anaesthesia and oxygen saturation and capnography in GA were measured prospectively after 5,10 and 15 minutes of delivery. Result: In newborns there was statistically significant difference in APGAR score recorded between two groups at 1 and 5 minutes, in which group A APGAR score recordings were higher than group B. Difference in HCO3- values in the two groups was also statistically significant, in which values were significantly lower in group A. In maternal group, chest pain (or tightness) and nasal blockage were significantly higher in group A and needed treatment with 50 mg tramadol group A. In this period HR and NIBP were higher in group A. Conclusion: In our study we observed that both the techniques were safe for new born and mother. In comparison with general anaesthesia, regional anaesthesia was safer for newborn regarding APGAR scores and acid base balance.