a comparative study on the effect of gestational diabetes mellitus on gross morphology of placenta

Research Article
Uppalapadu Sudarsana* Manila Jain
Placenta, diabetes, cotyledons, hyperglycemia

Background: GDM is a hyperglycemic state observed during pregnancy. It a matter of global concern due to its increasing prevalence and health burdern it imposes on maternal and fetal health. Placenta, the reflection of intrauterine environment in which the fetus grows, shows significant alterations in its gross morphology due to GDM. This will ultimately increase risk of unfavourable pregnancy outcomes. Aim: The main of this study was to assess and compare the gross morphology of placental specimen obtained from females with GDM and healthy females. Methods: This study included 150 healthy pregnant females and 150 females with GDM. Basis details including medical history was taken from each participant. After parturition, the placental specimen were collected, cleaned and gross morphometric features like weight, thickness, circumference, diameter, volume, area and feto placenta ratio were evaluated. The specimens were then preserved in formalin for 3-5 days after which the number of cotyledons was counted. The data was nalysed using SPSS 20. Results: It was observed that the placental morphometrical features like weight, volume, area, diameter, thickness, area and fetoplacental ratio were significantly high in placental specimen from GDM mothers compared to healthy mothers. Likewise, the number cotyledon in diabetic placenta was significantly high (p<0.001). Conclusion: this study shows the presence of abnormal placental morphometry in GDM that induced by hyperglycemia and can result in several associated health risks to fetus. Hence adequate control of glycemia in gestational state is suggested to ensure healthy pregnancy.