Challenges In Distributed Embedded System Designing For Indian Natural Evaporation Type Salt Production Industries

Research Article
Rameshchandra D. Makavana
Distributed Embedded System, Indian Salt Industries, Research challenges, Wireless Sensor Network.

Embedded System designing is a latest research trend for science and technology based development. Researchers develop new models day-to-day which have strong industrial, social and research and technological relevance. There are various kind of DES (Distributed Embedded System) designs, which gives broad selection and adoption opportunities to industrialists as per their requirements of the projects. Building the next generation of DES for Indian salt manufacturing industries pose a number of difficult challenges in all aspects of selection process in sensors, microcontroller units and integrated development environments, wireless networking including media standards and protocols, network topology and location dependent mobile technologies. The contribution of this paper is to help in setting the methodology and choosing proper components on the base of this specific application, without the requirement for intensive performance testing.