biochemical composition and caloric content of paratelphusa masoniana (henderson), a local freshwater crab, from jammu waters

Research Article
*Priya Manhas, Seema Langer and Rakesh Kumar Gupta
Paratelphusa, protein, lipid, moisture, ash

During the course of present study, various nutritional aspects viz. protein, glycogen, lipid, moisture and ash of the body meat of a local freshwater crab, Paratelphusa masoniana has been investigated in both male and female crabs and marked seasonal variations were observed during an year long investigation. Lipid and water contents were inversely related, maximum lipid levels being recorded during the pre-spawning months and minimum during post-spawning. The relationship between lipid and protein was a direct one. Pre-spawning period witnessed high energy values and muscle glycogen witnessing a direct correlation with feeding and spawning activity. Nutritive value of P. masoniana is well comparable to other edible species of decapod crustaceans like prawns and shrimps thereby ensuring its potential as an edible and potential culture candidate species.