Ayurvedic Drugs Used In Eye Disorder-A Review

Review Article
Nidhi Garg and Akhil Jain
Kriyakalpa, Ocular pharmacology, Ayurveda, shalakyatantra, eye diseases, healthcare seeking attitude.

From historical point of view it is evident that Ayurvedic drugs and procedure based therapies are exceedingly used in alleviating wide range of ocular conditions. Shalakya-tantra-the core engrossing specialty of Ayurveda, deals with management of ocular illness and has been significantly contributing to the eye care. Tremendous advancement made in ophthalmic medicine in recent years hasbegun a new era in the history of ophthalmology. Modern ophthalmologists and scientists have been able to convince the new generation about the significance of eye care and the right procedures to follow in order to ensure healthy vision. At the same time, there are various challenging problems, arising before modern ophthalmologists compelling them to tread the virgin fields of medical knowledge hidden in ancient medical manuscripts. Many are aware of various eye ailments and remedies. But the impact of Ayurvedic treatments for these ailments is yet to be recognised by both medical fraternity and the public in general. One such Ayurvedic ocular therapeutic is Kriyakalpa. Ayurvedic literatures recount potential ophthalmicdrugs for the management of surface inflammatory conditions of eye such as dry eye syndrome (DES) or Keratoconjunctivitis Sic ca (KCS). The plant drugs such as Berberi saristata DC. and Glyeyrrhiza glabra Linn. Are attributed with potential anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and wound healing activities backed by scientific evidences.