automation in agriculture

Research Article
S.S.Katariya, S.S.Gundal, 3anawade M.T and Khan Mazhar
Automation, Delay time, Robot, Farm, Microcontroller

This paper describes the four major work in agriculture field which is done by a robot without giving any human support. For designing automatic system we provide proper tracking through the white line following robot concept in which the robot distinguishes white and black or dark surface and follows only white track. With reference to this concept we are going to implement a white line on a farm where actually we need to work & remaining surface is treated as a black surface due to the brownish color of soil. We also provide delay to robot at equal distance to do the agriculture work like pesticide spraying, water supplying, plugging, dropping of seed, accurately and automatically & the solar plant provides the supply source to whole robot which makes it echo-friendly. Through this we are going to integrate the different application of agriculture field which not happened in previous technologies and research.