The study assessed housing satisfaction in Police Barracks of Gombe state, Nigeria. Quantitative research was employed where survey design method was used for the study. The target population consists of Five Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Five (5,655) Police Officers in 23 divisions of the eleven (11) Local Governments Councils of Gombe State. Multi-stage sampling was employed for the selection of the study sites and for the respondents (police officers). At the first stage, a simple random sampling technique was used to select 20% of Police divisions and formations from each of the three (3) senatorial zones in the State. Three (3) divisions/formations namely; Gombe, Nafada and 34 mf divisions were chosen from the 13 formations and divisions within the North district, two divisions namely; Billiri division and Balanga division from Gombe South district, and one division namely; Kumo division was chosen from Gombe Central. Nominal roll of the police officers of the command was used as the sampling frame and a sample of 358 police men including rank and files and officers was determined using Krejcie and Morgan Sample Size Determiner. Descriptive and inferential statistical techniques were used for the data analyses. The result of the descriptive statistics shows that 13% of the respondents are satisfied with the condition of the barracks, 79% are dissatisfied and 9% are very dissatisfied. On the neighbourhood facilities, the majority 67.1% of the respondents used rechargeable lamps for lightening their houses, while 32.9% used generators. Furthermore, on the source of water for domestic uses, 58.2% depend on water vendors, 30.4% on commercial water tankers while the remaining respondents depend on other sources of water supply. On Environmental hygiene, 72.2% of respondents dump their refuse at the designated dumping sites while 27.8% burn the refuse. On the security of the barracks, 19% of the respondents believed that the barracks have fence while 81% said that the barracks have no available fence. Similarly, on availability of playground within the Barracks, 38% expressed the view that it is available while 62% said it is not available. Based on the high level of dissatisfaction with condition of the barracks expressed by the respondents, the study recommends the provision of new additional housing units in all the barracks. The renovation of all existing housing units and improvement of facilities to enhance the living standard of the personnel and their families.