Most of the twentieth century mathematical literature has been predominantly on algebraic processes. These indicate that they were rather relegation of the explanations of the deep processes of understanding and learning mathematics especially geometry. Therefore, the study was designed to examined and braked information into parts by identifying motives of analyzing learning outcomes on students’ performance in geometry among Senior Secondary Schools students in Maiduguri Metropolis, Borno State. The objective was to determined effect of analyzing learning outcomes and the null hypothesis was analyzing learning outcomes does not have significant effect on student performance in geometry among Senior Secondary Schools in Maiduguri Metropolis, Borno State. A comparison group before-after quasi-experimental design was adopted and a sampled of 180 students’ were selected using stratified random -sampling techniques from three selected senior secondary school in Maiduguri Metropolis. Pre-test and post-test with alpha calculated of 0.675 were derived from Mathematics Performance Test (MPT) using the test retest as an instrument for data collection. Mean, standard deviation and Analysis of Covariate (ANCOVA were used in analyzing the data. The paper found that analyzing learning outcomes has significant effect on students’ performance in geometry education curriculum issue among senior secondary schools. Therefore, students’ who sued analyzing learning outcomes is likely to be related to higher quality of learning and performance in solving geometry problems. the study therefore, recommended that an index of solution to the poor geometry performance in Nigeria is suggested as the adoption of analyzing learning outcomes when teaching geometry among senior secondary schools.