Propanil a selective post emergent herbicide, used extensively on paddy crops, find their way to enter into mammalian system and causes toxicity. In this study protective effect of herb silymarin was investigated against propanil herbicide induced alteration in biochemical indices in blood and hepatotoxicity caused in swiss albino mice. In an experimental study albino mice were distributed in four equal groups of six in each: Control group, 20mg propanil/kg, 100mg silymarin/kg, propanil (20 mg/kg) + silymarin(100 mg/kg). Treatment was via oral route and was fed once daily for 90 days. Propanil administration elicited significant (P≤0.05) increase in plasma alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alkaline phosphtase (ALP) activities compared to control. In present study level of malondialdehyde were found to be elevated significantly (P˂0.001) but the activities of catalase (CAT), reduced glutathione (GSH), and superoxide dismutase(SOD) were decreased. Suplementation of silymarin attenuated the adverse effect of propanil intoxication by reducing lipid peroxidation level and was able to reduce serum enzymes and reduced glutathione.The present study suggests that silymarin could be treatment herb based on its ability to attenuate propanil induced hepatotoxicity.