Alternative Feed For Aquaculture From Desquamated Organic Material

Research Article
Sheetal Perumalla., Aashu Vajpai., Shalini Rai and Yamini Tayal
Zebra fish, Cucumber peels, Green peas peels, Apple peels and Moong.

Fish nutrition has advanced vividly in contemporary years with the expansion of new and balanced commercial diets that promote optimal fish growth. This research aimed to evaluate the effects of different feeds, made from desquamated organic material as the sole ingredient and were compared to the commercial feed, to observe various growth parameters of zebra fish. Juvenile zebra fish were fed with pellets, for a period of 3 successive weeks. The health of the fish and the environmental parameters were also observed as a part of the investigation. Of the different feeds given to the fish, apple peel feed can be considered as one of the substitute for cost effectiveness of the feeds.