Accelerated Life Testing Plans For The Stochastic Degradation Models For Censored Data Using Log Location Scale Distribution

Research Article
Sivanesan S and Elangovan R
Accelerated life tests, log location scale distribution, maximum likelihood estimates, asymptotic variance

Accelerated Life tests expose the products to greater environmental stress levels so that we can obtain lifetime and degradation measurements in a more timely techniques for performing an ALT include constant stress. In this paper presents methods for planning accelerated life tests for models in which the logarithm of time-to-failure follows a location-scale distribution and the location parameter is a function of stress. Different choices of test-stress levels and test length can result in different precision of the estimate of the reliability of the product at normal-use conditions. A test plan that gives minimum variance of the maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) of the unknown location and scale parameters of the log-location-scale family of distributions at specified stress levels by suitably determining the test length. Under this model, the determination of the optimal choice of τ for lognormal distributions are addressed using the asymptotic variance optimality criterion. Numerical illustration is also provided.